Send "@MALVV" to 81010 to join our Volunteer Pool.
We need your help
The Muslim Association of Lehigh Valley was the first Islamic Center established in the Lehigh Valley and has been serving the community since 1979. We proudly serve the Greater Lehigh Valley community, both Muslims and Non-Muslims, socially, spritually, medically and physically.
​Where can you help​​
We have multiple activities and programs that need the support based on your interest.
​Outreach / Dawah Programs
Support our ongoing efforts in reaching out to community at large by providing support to our Soup Kitchen, Community Meals Initiative, Blood Drives, Interfaith Dialog.
Youth Group
Organize and Support MALV Youth group activities like bonfires, story time, art club, graduation ceremony, gym and sporting activities.
Inreach Programs
Help with delivering khutba, leading prayers, helping with Maktab (Quran teaching) and Conduct Dars / Khatira programs.
Community Activities
Organize and support community activities like iftar dinners, eid celebrations, friday lunch, spring/fall festivals and other religious and cultural activities
Assistance / Families in Need
Support families in need by organizing clothing drives, food pantry, clothing closet, distribute zakat funds and process assistance applications.
Help with maintianing website, communications, audio/video support, financial records and pledge follow up.
How can you help​​
Register to be a Volunteer
Send "@MALVV" to 81010 to be a Volunteer.
Bring family and friends to help establish new programs or support the success of established programs.
Share your ideas, thoughts and feedback. Present proposals to create new programs and organize events.
Be a Leader
Organize and Lead new initiatives